The safety and well-being of the student-athletes, coaches, staff and guests are extremely important to us. Given the Covid-19 outbreak and the state of emergency in both South Africa and the United States, University Sports will be postponing our upcoming showcase events that were to be held, March 28-30th in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Randburg.
In the meantime, we will be reaching out to all of the players who have registered for the events to introduce ourselves and to talk to you more about the process of studying and playing in the United States.
We will notify you once we have confirmed new dates for our future showcases in South Africa. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Brian Winners
University Sports
We look forward to rescheduling these events in the near future.We will be watching and listening to both the South African and American governments and when it is deemed safe we will schedule new dates. That may be in 30 days, 60 days, or later.
We will email everyone that registered once that information comes available!
We will be holding small group and individual video conference calls with anyone who is interested in talking with us about the opportunity of playing and studying in the United States. We will be using ZOOM for these conference calls. ZOOM is free to use and there is no charge with University Sports for these calls. Contact us to schedule your call:
Brian Winners
University Sports